Does ZONE3 ship to BFPO addresses?Updated 10 months ago
Yes, we do! If you want to order for delivery to a BFPO address there is a specific format for entering the address.
Full name: Name
Address line 1: C/O Service number, Rank and Name
Address line 2: Unit or Regiment
Town/City: Operation name (if applicable)
Postcode: BFPO Postcode (eg: BF1 0AB)
Country: United Kingdom
Phone numbers are required to troubleshoot delivery issues in case there's a problem with the parcel.
Postcode entry for BFPO locations must start with a BF1 or BF2 prefix (ex: BF1 2AT) like the example above to ensure smooth delivery to the destination address. As BFPO mail sorting processes are automated any alteration to the address format highlighted above may cause the parcel to be delayed. A list of BFPO locations and their corresponding postcodes can be found at this link.
Please note we do not refund VAT for orders shipped to BFPO post codes.